Essential Steps Before Taking The Plunge: What do you need to start your cold water therapy journey?

What do you need to start your cold immersion therapy journey?

While the potential benefits of cold water therapy are intriguing, it's crucial to approach it cautiously and responsibly. Here's what you need to know before starting:

Essential items you will need before starting cold immersion therapy: 

Thermometer: Regardless of your chosen method of cold plunging, having a thermometer is crucial to ensure the water temperature is within the safe range of 10°C-15°C (50°F-59°F).

Towel or Robe: A large towel or robe is essential for drying off and warming up quickly after your cold immersion therapy. 

Different methods for cold plunging: 

Cold Shower:

If you opt for cold showers as your chosen cold water therapy, no additional equipment is needed beyond your regular shower facilities.


Ice Baths:

If you choose to take ice baths, you will need a bathtub or a large container like a stock tank that can comfortably accommodate you and hold enough water. Additionally, you will need ice to achieve the desired water temperature. 

Cold Plunge Tubs:

For cold plunge tubs, you have two options: portable ice bath or permanent ice bath fixtures. Portable tubs, often made of plastic or inflatable materials, offer flexibility and are easier to store. Permanent tubs, typically constructed from wood, fiberglass, or other sturdy materials, are more fixed and can be a dedicated space for cold water therapy.

Outdoor Cold Plunge Tub:

If you have access to outdoor cold plunges like natural bodies of water or community facilities, be sure to choose designated and safe locations with proper supervision.

Beyond the essential thermometer and towel, additional items for cold water therapy are optional and depend on your chosen method and preferences. Consider using earplugs to block noise during an ice bath, a waterproof watch to track your immersion time, or non-slip mats for safety in showers or tubs. When it comes to clothing, opt for swimwear or close-fitting clothing that allows for easy movement and minimal water absorption. Remember to avoid bulky or loose-fitting garments to maximise heat retention. Remember, these are additional considerations, and prioritising safety and professional guidance remain paramount before initiating cold water therapy.

Learn more about choosing the right material for your ice bath.